Remote Work Options Continue to Power Up the Tech Industry

Should More Turn to WFH?


The tech industry is the most remote-work-heavy in the world. That’s according to full 2023 stats tracking how employees work worldwide. As may have been expected, the tech industry has embraced full or mostly remote working options the fastest. Over 67 percent of employees in the worldwide tech industry are said to remote work at least most of the time. Next in line is the agencies and consultancies industry, per the figures collected and tabled by Statista.

When you see top tech companies like Skillsoft, Dropbox, GitLab, GameAnalytics, and Monzo commit to being fully remote tech companies, it’s clear that the alternative way to work actually works for many. If it didn’t, it wouldn’t be as embraced as it is. Naturally, this has many skilled professionals seeking their own ways to work remotely.

In just about every regard, remote work wins over the office-based state of play. This is especially true when teams are able to embrace the technology that allows for a central virtual office and quick communications. Add in the perks of reducing employer costs and giving employees flexibility, and it’s a winning formula.

With all of this in mind, the statistics collected by Deel won’t come as a surprise. Citing Microsoft figures, 87 percent of hybrid employees say they’re productive. Per Owl Labs, nearly 80 percent of managers felt that their teams were more productive when hybrid or remote working.

The problem most detractors have is monitoring productivity. Those same Microsoft figures cited 85 percent of leaders as saying that it’s challenging to have confidence in the productivity of their employees. The key for businesses is to adopt productivity-tracking apps and centralizing projects and tasks.

Change of scenery may be needed

If an employee is vying for remote work, their level of productivity needs to be guaranteed. Accountability and oversight needs to be provided by both the managers and the worker themselves. For many, the path to equal or improved productivity begins with the home office.

Ideally, a home office will be a smaller space that doesn’t impede everyone else’s enjoyment of the house. It needs to be big enough for a desk, a filing cabinet, and a bit of personalization. It doesn’t need to be too big or be in a communal space. This may lead some to look for new surroundings.

Plus, with remote work, people don’t need to be tied close to cities. Anyone looking to quickly embrace remote work and who want to sell my house fast can go to WeBuyAnyHome. The UK-based platform offers a free cash offer within minutes and can guarantee a sale when it suits the seller.

Being in the right environment is key to anyone’s productivity. As the stats above show, people find themselves to be more productive when they can work to what suits them. The ability to customize a workspace can go a long way. Employees may need to provide software like VPNs. However, workers buy their own furniture.

Remote work has, unsurprisingly, taken off in tech. Those who want to make the most of the flexible conditions need to make sure they’re ready to be productive enough to make it work. To do this, it all begins with the home office space.