Lucas Birdsall

From the Beedie School of Business to the Boardroom

lucas birdsall

Lucas Birdsall is a Vancouver-based business executive. He has helmed companies such as BMGB Capital Corp and Castlebar Capital Corp., serving as Chief Executive Officer, Secretary, and Director. An alumnus of Simon Fraser University’s Beedie School of Business, Birdsall’s training is in finance and management. He is considered an expert in comprehensive risk management, analysis, and research.

 Q: You’ve been an executive with businesses in a wide range of industries, including venture capital groups, natural resource firms, and tech companies. What are some of the similarities you’ve noticed operating within these seemingly disparate industries?

Lucas Birdsall: Once you get to the executive level, there are many similarities between companies no matter what they do. All companies require their top officers to make decisions about operations, finance, strategic partnerships, and the direction of future endeavors. There are also issues like regulatory compliance, dealing with stakeholders and, if a company happens to be public, addressing stockholders. These matters are all the purview of executives.

 Q: Can you share a habit or behaviour that has helped you significantly in the development of your career?

Lucas Birdsall: I’ve worked very hard to cultivate people skills. More than anything else, I believe that has aided me in forwarding my goals and giving my career the momentum it’s had. You have to work hard and accomplish tangible things, of course, but having good people skills gives me an edge in any professional situation. By establishing genuine connections with my colleagues and clients, I’ve expanded my network and opened up new avenues of opportunity. And beyond any practicalities, I’m genuinely interested in others and what motivates them. I think people notice that and like it.

Q: What is one thing you wish you knew when you were just getting started as a young professional?

Lucas Birdsall: I knew when I first mapped out my career path that, should I achieve my goals, my future would be full of paperwork, teleconferencing, and contract negotiations. It’s truly a grind to achieve a C-suite-level career, and it takes a lot of tolerance of drudgery and often mind-numbing work. But it’s important to stay focused on the reasons for it all, the goals you’ve set for yourself. Still, I will say that when I happen to have a free evening, I really savour it.

Q: Speaking of that, with such a busy schedule, how do you effectively maintain a solid work/life balance?

Lucas Birdsall: I enjoy admiring and collecting art. It connects me with the potential of the human mind and our innate creativity, and it’s also a great investment hobby. I also enjoy reading history, as well as following baseball and NCAA basketball. I’ll confess to spending an inordinate amount of time on my fantasy football league, but I’m not sure I can say that helps with stress. It does get my mind off of work for awhile though.

Q: Finally, do you have any words of wisdom for the aspiring and upcoming business executives?

Lucas Birdsall: If your goal is to rise to the top level of an organization, some of the best fields to study are risk management, research, and analysis. No matter the industry, no matter the company, a serious enterprise always needs capable people with expertise in those areas. By mastering those three disciplines, you will put yourself in contention for a host of executive roles and make yourself perpetually in demand.


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