Insured and Secure


Life often throws unexpected challenges our way, and the security of our homes is no exception. When the unthinkable happens — whether it’s a fierce storm, a devastating flood, or the intrusion of burglars — having reliable home insurance can make all the difference. In times of crisis, the last thing you want to worry […]

GOLDBECK SOLAR and Blue Elephant Energy

blue elephant

GOLDBECK SOLAR, a leading company in the turnkey construction of industrial, commercial, and large-scale photovoltaic plants, is excited to celebrate the ground-breaking ceremony for the Binissalem solar park in Mallorca together with Blue Elephant Energy, a global leader in renewable energy. This significant event marks GOLDBECK SOLAR’s most substantial project in Spain to date.


Orzuplast Uzbekistan equipment

Multinational plastic packaging producer RETAL is pleased to announce a new industrial partner in Central Asia.