Better Businesses

Personalising Your Workspace

You may find that you spend a lot of your waking hours in the workplace. Rather than staring at blank walls and a clinical desk during this time, you might want to think about the ways that you can personalise this space.

Depending on how much room you have available, as well as the guidelines that your managers set out, you may be able to make some great changes to your workspace. This shouldn’t affect your level of productivity, but may increase how comfortable you are while spending time there, as well as your happiness levels.

Add some art

Bare walls may stifle your creativity, and even make the room or area feel a little drab. While you may not be able to change the colour scheme found in the space, you could add some artwork for a splash of colour. Rather than spending lots of money on pictures and frames, you could use your own family photos to create some stylish canvas prints for the walls, or even your desk. Due to these being relatively lightweight, they may cause less structural damage when putting up and taking down, and the canvases themselves may often come with hanging kits. It can be a good idea to check what any walls are made of before attempting to hang cavases, to ensure you use the correct screws.

Give yourself support

When adding personal touches to your workspace, you might also want to think about your physical health and welfare. Sitting in an office chair all day can cause you to slouch, leading to back and shoulder problems, as well as the potential for eye strain. The use of different forms of support could help with this. In particular, lumbar support pillows could help to make sure that you use the correct posture throughout your day. Some of these may also have a massage function, which could allow you to practice a bit of self-care while you work.

Go for green

Although there may be outdoor spaces available to you for taking any breaks, these may be few and far between in comparison to the rest of your shift. There may be certain plants which could thrive in an office environment, and even help to boost your productivity. Picking some that are unlikely to set off any allergies, or make a lot of mess, could be a good idea. You may want to consider plants that also don’t require a lot of care, so that they don’t distract from your tasks. Should you go on holiday, or even leave permanently, you may want to consider asking a colleague to look after them on your behalf, or even take them home.

Creating a positive workspace may make you feel more upbeat throughout your day. By adding some personal touches, you may feel more of a sense of ownership and pride within your cubicle or office, which may then reflect on the quality of work you produce. To put this in place, it could be a good idea to speak to your manager to see what is allowed.

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